What is Ushr?
Ushr (Arabic: عُشْر) translates to "one-tenth" and refers to the obligatory charity paid by Muslim farmers on their agricultural produce...
Key Features of Ushr
- Rate of Ushr:
- Natural irrigation: 10%
- Artificial irrigation: 5%
- Eligibility for Ushr: Applies when crops reach nisab threshold
- Purpose of Ushr: Supports eight Quranic categories of recipients (Surah At-Tawbah, 9:60)
How Does Ushr Relate to Zakat Calculators?
Modern technology has made it easier than ever for Muslims to calculate their zakat obligations accurately...
When Does Ushr Apply?
Ownership of Land
The land must be owned by the farmer or under their control...
Minimum Threshold (Nisab for Crops)
Total produce must exceed approximately 900 kg (5 Wasaqs)...
How is Ushr Calculated?
Naturally Irrigated Land
10% of produce when watered by rain/rivers
Artificially Irrigated Land
5% of produce when using mechanical irrigation
Example Calculation
Case 1: Natural Irrigation
1,500 kg wheat × 10% = 150 kg Ushr
Case 2: Artificial Irrigation
1,500 kg wheat × 5% = 75 kg Ushr
Key Points to Remember
- Applies to staple crops (wheat, rice, dates)
- Based on quantity not monetary value
- Distributed like regular Zakat
Why Two Different Rates?
The difference in rates (10% vs. 5%) reflects the varying levels of effort and cost involved in farming:
- Natural irrigation requires less effort and expense, so a higher percentage (10%) is due.
- Artificial irrigation involves significant investment in equipment, labor, and resources, so a lower percentage (5%) is due.
Final Answer
Ushr is calculated as 10% (naturally Irrigated) or 5% (artificially Irrigated) of harvest exceeding 900 kg nisab.
In conclusion, Ushr is an essential aspect of Islamic financial practices, emphasizing the equitable distribution of agricultural blessings among society. By mandating that farmers give 10% or 5% of their produce depending on irrigation methods, Ushr ensures support for the needy while acknowledging the varying efforts and costs involved in farming. Modern tools like zakat calculators have made it easier for Muslims to fulfill this obligation accurately, bridging traditional practices with contemporary convenience. Understanding and implementing Ushr not only strengthens community ties but also reinforces the values of generosity and social responsibility at the heart of Islam.